Thursday, June 17, 2010

Today's build

*I'm trying to get back to daily update about whats going on... i'll do my best so you guys know what to expect for next public build.

Its been a while since I last compiled FSD 2 and dont know every details about whats has changed and what are the plans on some module.

As the first loading screen is gone (it load straight to dash while loading stuff in background), if you opened the game list you would get an incomplete list. Without our debugger tool, there was no way to tell if content parsing is done, so I added a note in the status bar to say that content parsing is underway.

Also added ftp status to the status bar, it currently just tell if theres an ftp connection open. Speed would be nice, but should be done after alpha release.

At each restart of FSD I had some tab appering as blue without a logo, I dont know whats is the current tab manager/editor status, i thought it was already worked fine... Need to talk to MaesterRowen about this, might be just a minor bug. Disabled it for now.
*Update : this is a random bug, i'll fix it later today.

Seems like the gamelist doesnt reflect the selected game info anymore. I know there was some work done to split our game list module (ScnQuickGameView, which is responsible for displaying anything related to game : the dvd tab is an scnquickgameview, the favorite tab are scnquickgameview, and the gamelist is an scnquickgameview... It was just a mode setting in the skin xml that defined how it displayed games.)

The gamelist code now seems to all be in CGamesList with the OnNotifySelChanged code commented out...
If theres too much work left to get this working properly, i'll roll back scnquickgameview to a previous version.
*Update : Changing selected games with banner + screenshot + game icon + background was too slow. Code was disabled until preloading is completed.

Also, read some comments on forums and here some answers :
Media Player :
I dont know the current status, will have a look at it later. But this is not an mplayer port!! Its mostly a xmedia GUI. Therefore, dont expect mkv playing and samba support!


  1. Cool stuff HellDoc, keep us updated! ;)

  2. Thanks for the useful information :D
    I'm really excited for the new version :D

  3. THanks! Im from montreal(well longueuil) too and it's cool to know that a guy from my city is working on this awesome project Can't wait to try it out!

  4. this keeps me alive to know there still is alot of progress going on. thanx for all the new info and keep up the good work

  5. So so sweet, thank you so much for all yours and the teams hard work so far. does the fsd team have a way of receiving donations?

  6. i double checked xbins but 1.20 is the latest they have(i think thats what im on)
    looks nothing like the screenshots and no way to add rss feeds as stated back in april, where is the link to the file?

    good work by the way, kinda wish you could auto boot into it though and bypass the standard dash

  7. mrgreaper2004, booting into FSD on startup and from ingame using the guide button has been possible for a while now with the release of Dash Launch v1.0.

  8. its not on xbins but i had a hunt about and found its readme, assumes you know how to compile for freeboot ...i have no idea how to do that i keep freestyle on my usb drive, found out my version is actualy 1.09 grabbed 1.20 but the launch files are missing so i shall just wait for the new one

  9. brother eu sou do BRASIL , preciso urgente de FREESTYLE, só que meu xbox 360 já está atualizado (9199) !!! Esse freestyle 2,0 vai ser compativel com qualquer xbox 360 ???

    _ Eu conseguir colocar o freestyle 1,03 naminha dash com o auxilio do pen drive, mas aparece um ERRO : NÃO É POSSIVEL INICIAR O FREESTYLE 1,03 , preciso de ajudar.
