Saturday, April 10, 2010

FSD 2.0 R528 - XEX Extraction - Debugger Update - Skin Update

Wow! Rev number are really going up fast!!
XEX Parsing is mostly completely integrated!
Lots of stuff going on with the XEX  (this is the current status, may totally change in 2.0 release)
XEX ressource is extracted to \fsdata\{gameid}\xexress.bin
String ressources are extracted go \fsdata\{gameid}\strings\{languageid}.str
Achievement icons are extracted to \fsdata\{gameid}\achievement\achievement-{achievementid}.png
An achievement xml is created containing Achievement Name, Description, Unachieved name, gamer cred, and image path. Achievement name, description and unachived name are extracted from the string ressources file.
\fsdata\{gameid}\xml\xml.xsrc is the gzip compress xlast xml file. Didnt spent time to uncompress it on xbox as not all game have it (old games like amped 3 does not have it) and i wanted to have a way to get the most out of every game.
\fsdata\{gameid}\unused\* are know file format that are of no use currently. There is contextstringsmap.bin(XCXT) which is a string map to contextual string (mostly point to unused strings...). Imagefilename.bin (XITB) which is the filename of png files, we are not using this as we standardise the filename depending on the image id. propertiesstringsmap.bin (XPRP) which map to some string that are mostly blank (DEFAULT, Insert display string here...). TitleId.bin (XTHD) which is the game title id. The unknow parts are in \fsdata\{gameid}\unknowdata\*
Those are currently kept for development purpose.
\fsdata\{gameid}\gamerpic\* are available gamerpic for this game (included in the xex, not the downloadable one)

One thing i learned with doing the xex extraction code : pragma pack is used to changed to word alignment of struct. Dont use this on xbox! If you include a source file that declare pragma pack more than once, even if you #pragma once, xbox will throw EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT which really makes you go berserk when trying to understand the problem!.


Debugger is currently going in major redesign!
We now have a filtering feature, so can see only the commands we need! ie : only the modules you are working on
Skin deployment is syncing only the files that were modified
View is a datalistview instead of listview, which provide better performance.


What probably interest you the most, skin update :

Game name + game icon extracted from xex.

Game list filled with game icon  + game name extracted from xex. Font does have trouble rendering special char.

Using game background downloaded from internet.

New about menu.

There's still some missing info.

Surprise! :) (This is still only really experimental!!)


  1. Nice to see information extracted from the .xex file working. :)
    But i was wondering if its planned to add a way to manually edit the name from inside FSD?

    Keep up the good work! :)


  2. Amazing work!
    I dont want to annoy but I can't help but noticing that the path description of Batman: Arkham Asylum (Screenshot 2) is going outside of the border of the "platform"-grafic. :]

    Again, amazing work! Best of luck!

  3. Awesome new features and surprise! please launch some preview release soon! a legion of users of lots of forums can't wait anymore, this is a real torture! ;)

    Hope you leave big features what takes big time to future versions, like media play.

  4. You should add an Customizable startup thing (id like an Black Xbox Ball with red instead of the Green)

  5. Suggestion: Make the path in the 2nd screenshot (usb0;Games\title\etc...) a couple of points smaller so that titles such as the last one (Batman) don't overflow outside of the window.

    Makes for better esthetics :-)

    J'espère que vous avez bien reçu ma contribution PAYPAL. Votre version semble s'améliorer de jour en jours. Continuez votre bon travail!

  6. Hey the new features are simply great, and where to go for the
    xbox 360 skins
    ,i want to change the looks of Xbox.
