*Please dont post this on X-S! this is totally not front page worthy ! this is only semi-technical explaination of some issue we encountered and fixed*
Huge progress day from my part. Fixed most major issue I could find :
there was a threading issue when opening up a game list : an image caching thread was started, when the gamelist was disposed, the thread never stopped.
I cleand a bit the status display. It used to display HTTP Downloader status always, and ftp / content indexing status when there were working. Now HTTP status is not displayed if http queue is empty.
There has been some issue with FTP folder delete for a while, i finally found it, some handled were not closed properly on a file search. I also added proper last modified date and attribute value to the list.
Recently some stability problem appeared with FTP server, seems like cutting a connection while transferring screwed the whole dash (gui still working but pretty much everything fails). Here's what happened
FTP Connection thread priority was set to highest. This was working fine while in Core 1 thread 1.
Recently, we cleaned threads to act like the real dash : FTP Server was moved to Core 2 Thread 1 (same as nxe http download). The problem that happened is that there's seems to be more standard priority thread in core 2 thread 1 going on than in core 1 thread 1, so our FTP Connection took over the whole thing while it was working. Just setting it back go standard priority fixed stability issue and increased the transfer speed.
I also played a lot with ftp transfer buffer size trying to get the maximum ftp transfer speed...
You may have recently see in the svn log that we had issue with dvd or 360 games tabs appearing as blue randomly. Well the issue came back and is now finally resolved. Seems like tab details were added to a map using always the same pointer, therefore, any modification screwed previous tab. Whats strange is that it worked well for most of the tab...
Major issue left (There might be more, this is just those that I noticed earlier today) :
The DVD tab stopped working properly, Slot Art is not displaying and starting dvd launch first game of last opened game list.
Copy DVD skin need some work
About Us skin need some work
The file manager need to be revalidated, there was some copy/cut/paste issue but they may have been fixed with the ftp folder delete fix. I think JQE is working on a new GUI and a better copy/cut/paste implementation.
*NB : This is not TeamFSD's Alpha release Todo list, this is just what I noted from tonight's test and discussion.