Saturday, May 8, 2010


Sorry for the recent lack of update!
I didnt had lots of time to work on FSD these day!

Just to tell you that XDK is ordered and should hopefully be here by monday!

I did worked on some "non-visual" stuff...
1- Getting back to FSD from game : I did had a fonctionnal prototype but it was really hacky. Some better way will be released by other people/group soon. All I can tell is that if you dont have the latest freeboot with memory hack yet, it wont work!

2- Profile info : I did some experiments about the profile file. My goal was to be able to retrieve achivements status for one game for specific profile. Using XUserCreateAchievementEnumerator with a title id other than current doesnt work. SDK docs says : ID of a title in your family, or 0 for the current title.
I did search about the "title in your family"... What i figured out about this, is that when using ImageXEX, you can specify alternate title ids (max of 255) using "/ALTTITLEID: alternate title ID" but this doesnt work for the achivement enumerator, but it works for XEnumerateCrossTitle. If you add the title ID of a game to your xex alternate title ids, you'll be able to properly read the content created by this game (saved games, saved data..). I then tryed to get the data i need using another way.. The profile file is a standard CON file, therefore, it "SHOULD" be mountable, but there's some security on them. Simply using XamContentOpenFile on them doesnt work it return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. If you transfer the profile file, open in "Le Fluffy" and remove the security info, it gets mounted properly... So it might required a dash hack... I'm currently exploring other solution.



  1. lol funny comment

  2. Hey it would be great if we can play Xbox1 Games. So my idea is.. If I start a Xbox1 Game FSD patch my NAND and do a reboot and start the Game. Or any hacker hacks Xbox1 Emulator!

  3. Helldoc there is an Example in the XDK

    "Achievements Sample
    [Open this sample in Visual Studio]
    Demonstrates the use of the Xbox 360 achievements API.

    The Achievements sample simulates a simple game with random wins and losses, updating the user's achievements by using XUserWriteAchievements. The sample also allows enumeration of achievements of the last signed-in user. Writing achievements is supported only for the currently signed-in user.

    Programming Notes
    In order to be TCR compliant, the title (before writing any achievements) must call XContentGetCreator to verify that the loaded save game has been created by the same user who is currently signed in."

  4. Frogfire : dont worry about xbox1 and memory edit... cant really say much... but dont worry you'll soon have both :P

    The xdk sample is using XUserCreateAchievementEnumerator which is not working, as stated in my post.

  5. HellDoc, once you recieve the XDK box, will it help debugging FSD 2.0 by over 9000? xD
    Just hoping XBR4 gets released soon with support for starting FSD after quiting games, like you said could be done with FreeBoot.

    You and the team keep up the good work! :)

  6. Also, if its not too hard of a task, i could prehaps help by translating FSD from english to norwegian.
    So evil that PS3 supports norwegian, while the Xbox 360 doesent. :(
    (Well, the Wii also doesent support it.)

  7. Hi HellDoc,

    Please add the ability to easily delete the game (Meaning it's entire folder)

  8. HellDoc, I still say the biggest problem with enumerations and such is that the app still does not tell xam it is a dashboard; I haven't figured out how to do that as of now, and doing so will affect the guide (I suspect xamsetdashcontext function as well as the imgxex permission to allow that) but current launchers all let xam think that they are game titles and not dash apps.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Really amazing job you guys are doing here, I just hope we get it soon, I've been refreshing pages for weeks hoping to see a download hehe

  11. Hi helldoc, i have time 24/7 to be a beta tester, i work at home, so i am allways available, i play with internal HDD, external HDD. I play more than 4 hours per day xbox360 so i use freestyle a lot with many different hardware too. I have full time available to be a good betatester and do intensive tests and detailed too with screenshots, logs, videos, whatever u want.

    Can i be a beta tester please?

  12. did ya ever get your XDK helldoc?

  13. Quick question regarding the content scanning:

    I noticed how xbox1 support on FSD1.X is limited to extracted game files; it does load up, scan and launch xbox1 gods properly, but you can't edit the title at all, not even manually without FSD resetting them back to "no name".

    Will FSD2.0 have proper xbox1 god support?

    Thanks, and it's looking good.

    Somehow by the release of dashlaunch 1.0 I have a feeling FSD2 is almost ready to be released :D

  14. Please HellDoc give us some news or video about all the new amazing stuffs and progress since last time

    Thx in advance :p

  15. Hey Hell!!!

    I have been doing a few things here and there for 360 and I would like to extend my had to help out. Please feel free to email me at or msn me!!!

    Thanks! And keep up the wonderful work!!!!

  16. it would be very nice to hear something about your work with the lately arrived xdk ;)


  17. You spoiled us with the frequent updates!

    It seems like its been forever since we've heard about the project.
    Please drop a line and a screenshot or two when you have a min!

  18. Hello, could you release a beta verison of this new dashboard please? many people waiting for it!

    Thanks for developing!!!

  19. please dont let a month pass by without information for us hungry creatures :D

  20. please update svn trunk to newest rev

  21. no news = good news or bad news ????


  22. Yeah, HellDoc is dead or something like that ?

  23. helldoc update svn trunk so many people can help in develop
